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Ghost Box

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What is Ghost Box?
The Ghost uses the buttons in your vehicle such as those on the steering wheel, door panels or centre console, to allow you to make a unique, changeable, disarm sequence (like a PIN code) that must first be entered before you can drive your car.


Is a ghost Immobiliser worth it?
We found that no matter where you live or park your vehicle, it can be prone to thieves – that's why ghost immobilisers can be so important in this modern age. They work by preventing your engine from working unless an additional, unique pin number or code sequence is entered alongside your key fob.


Can a car with a ghost Immobiliser be stolen?
A car fitted with a ghost immobiliser can not be stolen. Even if a thief makes their way inside your car with they key, without the sequence pin they will not be able to start the car. This will deter them even further.


Does Ghost Immobiliser have a tracker?
An advanced tracking solution providing 24/7/365 theft monitoring to provide security and peace of mind whilst offering a comprehensive range of driver convenience features for life on the road.


Can Ghost system be hacked?
Can a ghost immobiliser be bypassed or hacked? A vehicle with a ghost immobiliser is near impossible to bypass or hack. The wires are integrated to look like they came from the factory with a ghost immobiliser and there is no physical anti-theft equipment, such as steering wheel locks, that can be removed.


For your Ghost Box installation and support. Trust the leaders in the sector we take your vehicle security as serious as you do and will ensure you have 1st class installation and aftercare support once fitted.


Call: -

0203 727 5646
07967 339 029
001876 586 8868



or visit the

contact section of our website for online support.

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